Monday, October 21, 2013

7 things i hate about dbu

1)ቴክኒክ እና ሞያ /ቤቶች እንኩኣን የተሻለ በር ኣላቸው
   the fucking door looks like some psychiatric hospital,i mean look at it ቴክኒክ እና ሞያ /ቤቶች እንኩኣን የተሻለ በር ኣላቸው . የኛ university ሌሎች university በሮች ጋረ ቢወዳደር  kg /ቤት እንኩኣን አይመስልም.

2) its ridiculous to say this university doesnt have a basketball court.

oh,this one is unbelievable,this  university just proved  us that they dont give a sheet about what we want.even some fucking prison have a basket ball court,i dont know what they are doing with their million cash  they got in every budget but they better build us some court,its ridiculous to say this university doesnt have a basketball court.
3) ምንም አይነት ጥሩ ስራ የሚሰራ ክለብ የለም.
 i know dbu ያን ያህል እድሜ ያለው university  አይደለም,its just a  years old university but i think its enough to create some social clubs for students so they will team up and share experiences with each other,create some thing with their skill so they will know what they are doing in the university as well as in their ሲባል ዋና ኣላማቸው ተማሪዎች እራሳቸውን ፈልገው እንዲያገኙ እና ህይወታቸው ምን ማድረግ እንደሚፈልጉ ማሳወቅ እና ማሰልጠን ነው እዚ university ግን as far as i have seen it ምንም አይነት ጥሩ ስራ የሚሰራ ክለብ የለም.ለወረቀት ብቻ ነው የሚያስተምሩት.
may be ELIC is better from the other but they are kind of corrupted in some other ways,ማንም ኣባል መሆን ኣይችልም።
4) ,its still one computer for 3 students
they say we are doing the best we can but i didnt see any change in anything,their is a big
shortage in material and resources,its still one computer for 3 students,if you want to use
internet you have to register your name yesterday,even the clinic is a joke,you will not get
any service from the clinic unless you are in their office ,if you faint or some thing i dont
 how but you have to go to their office and finish some paper work to get an ambulance,the ambulance will not come to you,you have to come to the ambulance,i have some experience with my friend አንዴ ጉአደኛችን መንቀሳቀስ አስቂያቅተው ድረስ ታሞ
ኣንፑላንስ ስንጠራ የግድ ታማሚ መቶ መመዝገብ ኣለበት ስለተባለ የዶርም ልጆች ተሰባስበው ተሽክመው እርቀት ወዳለው  clinic ከደረሰ በሁላ ተመዝግቦ ነው ኣንፑላንስ የሚፈቀደው when the ambulance should have come to him,
5) ሽንት ቤት ካስፈለጋችሁ  አራሳቹ ላይ መልቀቅ ወይም ፊኛችሁን ማፈንዳት.
as you all know our campus is divided in to many places.dorm አንድ ቦታ class and  office ከዶርም እራቅ ተደርጎ ነው የተሰራው so in case if you have to pie ወይም ለማንኛውም ሽንት ቤት ካስፈለጋችሁ ወደ ዶርም መሮጥ, አራሳቹ ላይ መልቀቅ ወይም ፊኛችሁን ማፈንዳት ያላችሁ አማራጮች ናቸው,lol i mean come on its ridiculous there are many toilet in the office but they are only for teachers and stuff members they dont even plan to build us one .
6) ድንጋይ የታወቀ cafe ነው
oh men.this one ,you dont even need me to tell you any thing,while other universities are having egg or some thing like that, our university menu is
A)ድንጋይ እና ምስር
B)ውሃ በርበሬ እና ሽሮ
C)ውሃ እንጀራ በርበሬ(ፍርፍር)
D)ስንዴ ቅቅል የሚመሰል ቅንጪ
i know,university cafe ያን ያህል ጥሩ ምግብ ኣይጠበቅም የኛ ግን ከሌሎች university ጋር የማይወዳደር ድንጋይ የታወቀ cafe ነው.
7) "ኣሪፍ ብጥብጥ ነበር"
as i tolled you before they dont give a sheet about what students want ya this is their big problem ,i remember it caused us  BIG WAR when the treat us like a lab rat
and test  every grade on us,we teared their building down on them lol but it was great "ኣሪፍ ብጥብጥ ነበር" ,its some experiences  their you have it.
"your voice is not that important in the university"   

  piece out ደብረብርሃን,
                                                  DBULIFE  team