about us

   Wats  upppp,debreberhan,i know you are surprised wat is this? ብላችሁ እየጠየቃቻሁ ይሆናል  .well congratz  this is dbu life ብለን የሰየምነው ደብረብርሃን university ተማሪዎች  ብቻ information share አንዲያረጉበት design የተደረገ website ነው።
   ብርድ የታወቀው ደብረብርሃን university doesn’t  have that much of social life there is no clubs for ተማሪዎች so they can share ideas ,develop there skills and meet  new students or know what is going on in their university so this website is designed to create a strong community of ደብረብርሃን  students that can share different experience and be their for each other
    so አራሳችንን  ስናስተዋውቅ we are just students like you team up from different departement trying solve any problem in ደብረብርሃን,so we will be very happy if you stayed with us and enjoy our service like
  -ወቅታዊ ወሬዎችን የምናወራበት or news about the university
  -university ውስጥ የሚከበሩ days የሚነሱበት
  -የተለያዩ parities or birthday pary announce  የሚደረጉበት
  -sport events
  -weekly computaions(like who is the best this week,who look guud this week )
  -answers for your questions
 እና ሌሎች ብዙ ብዙ ነገሮችን share አያረግን we will have some fun,stay tuned with us...
  pice out ደብረብርሃን,
                                                  DBULIFE  team